DecideAbility Israel:
Supported Decision-Making
Through Different Lenses

September 6, 2023



Opening / Dr. Sigal Vax, JDC-Israel Unlimited
A “Fire Side” conversation: A supporter and a decision maker |
Susan Nirens & Audrey Belrose, Mosaica, Israel
Greetings /
Ben-Zion Figelson, Guardian General, Israeli Ministry of Justice
Efrat Stern, Director, JDC-Israel Unlimited

An Overview on Supported Decision Making from International and Israeli Lenses
Prof. Amita Dhanda, NALSAR University of Law, India; Dr. Mickey Schindler,
Director of MARVA, Israel; and Hila Rimon-Greenspan, The Myers-JDC-Brookdale
Institute, Israel
15:20-15:35 I Break

Evidence from Israel – TED lectures with International Commentary
Analysis of the supporter’s role / Ornit Dan, Administrator General, Ministry of Justice, Israel
Commentary: Nadia Shabani, The Bulgarian Center for Not-For-Profit Law, Bulgaria
Tailoring the support to the person’s needs, interests, and preferences / Miriam Sapir, Ministry of Welfare and Social Affairs, Israel
Commentary: Ieva Leimane-Veldmeijere, RC ZELDA, Latvia
Insights from the International Discourse / Prof. Israel Doron, University of Haifa, Israel

16:35-16:50 I Break

Group Discussions  (in breakout rooms)
Topic 1: The Supporter’s Role and Challenges: Boundaries, ethical issues,
conflicting values, and the matching process
Topic 2: The influence of supported decision-making on attitudes, paradigms,
and policies
Topic 3: From theory to Practice: Large Scale Implementation of the CRPD

17:40-17:55 I Conclusion

Yotam Tolub, the Independence Movement, Israel


About us

Supported Decision Making (SDM) is a legal arrangement and alternative to guardianship. Adults (over 18) who are capable of making decisions, but have difficulty gathering or understanding information, can appoint decision supporters to help them make and carry out their decisions. 

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The Administrator General, Commissioner of Insolvency Proceedings and the Succession Cases Registrar is a unit at the Ministry of Justice composed of three executive arms: The Administrator General, the Commissioner of Insolvency Proceedings and the Succession Cases Registrar.

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JDC-Israel Unlimited is a strategic partnership between JDC Israel and the Israeli government, aimed at maximizing the independence and autonomy of people with disabilities through increasing equality in social and economic participation. The partnership is guided by a holistic person-centered approach, that sees the person and their needs, abilities, and desires, rather than focusing on the constraints, challenges, and impairments.

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